
Malware-made Riddles

Malware Made Riddles
Series of videos in HD, prints, written riddles
2016 - 2020 ongoing

Malware Made Riddles is an ongoing project that consists of a series of performative and visual experiments around the idea of malware and its influence on interpretations of reality in connection with critical theory. My computer got infected with a digital worm, damaging and altering texts that I was reading online by converting certain words into links to spam. I started collecting words from the altered texts, making a first set of riddles with writings by Donna Haraway, Herbert Marcusse, Friedrich Engels and Thomas Malthus. The surprise that the results brought encouraged me to mimic the malware, using physical books as the new experimental fields and my sight as the malware that penetrates visually the books crossing them like a worm.

The selection of the books’ titles refers to a series of canonical interests within art practices focused on political economy, philosophy and critical theory.

An economy of information based on its accumulation is disrupted by an agency of chance, bringing messages from such disruption in the form of riddles and granting a non-critical, oracular and (sometimes) humorous communication channel between the reader and the book.

 Some of the videos are part of the online show “Alineaciones” and can be seen here: https://alineaciones.nmenos1.xyz/acertijos/

The Open, man and animal 2002


Against Method, 1975

fayerabend copy.jpg

Historia de la locura, 1961

foucault copy.jpg